DOWNLOAD Smarters ADS with Sports + Panel


New member
Jul 29, 2023
What many have been waiting for Smarters ADS with Sports, first of all thank to @FireTVGuru for the panel files, credits to @Leode for the app the panel I did not have the sports and intro options added, I just made a few small corrections, If someone wants their credits for the work done with let me know.
Instructions: Use MT manager for the editing, i try not changing the package name as it seems to call home even after i changed the base64. That's why I recommend using only MT manager to edit, search and change, leave /api/ at the end.
panel link.
to make ads work
change to adpage location is f.j.a.i.q line 806

*** Hidden text: cannot be quoted. ***

View attachment 3374
Awesome looking app. I have got the panel files all set up already, but when I go to open the apk it says "App not installed as package appears to be invalid." Any guidance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.


New member
VIP Member
Jul 26, 2023
Hi newbie here
Extracted apk file changed dns and then complied apk opened in player but intro didn’t play
Came up with cannot play this file
Then login screen came up entered details and just got a spinning circle with please wait
Could you please advise if I need to do anything else many thanks


New member
Oct 15, 2021
Since nobody share how to dissable the Multi-screen and the Record Buttons ... I will:

Decompile apk.
Open: smali\com\ftg\smarters\view\activity\NewDashboardActivity.smali

On line 6908 after text ":goto_8"
add this line:
const/16 v4, 0x8

On line 6912
Replace invoke-virtual {p1, v1}, Landroid/widget/ImageView;->setVisibility(I)V
With invoke-virtual {p1, v4}, Landroid/widget/ImageView;->setVisibility(I)V

On line 6916
Replace: invoke-virtual {p1, v1}, Landroid/widget/LinearLayout;->setVisibility(I)V
With: invoke-virtual {p1, v4}, Landroid/widget/LinearLayout;->setVisibility(I)V

Radio button must be on the XML files, search with notepad++ "@id/iv_radio" in all xml files
and add this: android:visibility="gone" to each child where @id/iv_radio appears

You must change all because app is adaptive to screen resolution.


Active member
Aug 6, 2023
What many have been waiting for Smarters ADS with Sports, first of all thank to @FireTVGuru for the panel files, credits to @Leode for the app the panel I did not have the sports and intro options added, I just made a few small corrections, If someone wants their credits for the work done with let me know.
Instructions: Use MT manager for the editing, i try not changing the package name as it seems to call home even after i changed the base64. That's why I recommend using only MT manager to edit, search and change, leave /api/ at the end.
panel link.
to make ads work
change to adpage location is f.j.a.i.q line 806

*** Hidden text: cannot be quoted. ***

View attachment 3374
This app cannot change the package name, it gives an error, it is correct.


Active member
Dec 11, 2021
Can't seem to access the panel. User and pass is usually


Boss Brands

VIP Member
Sep 6, 2021
I think the answer to this must me a trade secret. I have seen it asked a few times but no-one shared the answer fully yet.
It's not a trade secret it's just that people don't want to share their knowledge regarding certain aspects of editing apps. I guess they fear that they will fall behind in some way and lose money. But there is plenty of money out there for everyone to make which is why I don't mind sharing what I have successfully figured out after many many hours of trial and error. An admin from another forum argued tooth and nail with me about my solution and out of respect I will not name the other apknpanels website, lol. So I told him to prove it to me, use my edits and then reply to my post saying it didn't work two days later he replied with an apology. What you need to do using Mt manager is decompile you're smarter's app and do an XML search for @id/expiration_date - this will pull up a full list of all of the apps dashboard layouts. The only ones you need to edit are the ones that say "new_dashboard_without_free_trial" and "new_dashboard_without_free_trial_tv". In the V3 apps there are eight mobile dashboard layouts and one TV layout. I always edit the TV layout first since there's only one and then change to the TV view in the settings to make sure the edits worked. So, in all of your new_dashboard_layout_without_free_trial xml's, you need to go to the very top where the relative layout that contain the settings icons is located. Find the radio button and add android:visibility="gone". Normally this would be enough to hide the icon but I'm sure you've noticed that when you're done, the stubborn icon is still there. So, after you mark it's visibility gone, you need to change the android:layout_with="35dp" to "0dp"and android:layout_height="35dp" to "0dp". Do that in all of your layouts and your radio icon is gonzo! Now, this is what the other forums admin was arguing with me about saying that you would still be able to click on it. But you can not, because it is impossible to click or focus on something that has no dimensions.

Now somebody else had asked about the multi-screen icon in the same layout with Mr. Radio btn. The steps are almost exactly the same except you cannot... and I stress this, you CAN NOT set Multi-Screens visibility as gone, it will cause errors in the app because there is still the multi screen option in the settings of the app that shares the same ID as the one on the dashboard which can cause it to crash. You need to set it as invisible in every layout and do the same thing you did with the radio icon as far as making the width and height both 0dp. And I'm sure there are still some people that disagree with me and my method of doing it this way, however I have been doing it this way since I started doing this almost 3 years ago and had never ever had any issues that would affect the app in a negative way using this method. Hope this helps bud!
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Boss Brands

VIP Member
Sep 6, 2021
Since nobody share how to dissable the Multi-screen and the Record Buttons ... I will:

Decompile apk.
Open: smali\com\ftg\smarters\view\activity\NewDashboardActivity.smali

On line 6908 after text ":goto_8"
add this line:
const/16 v4, 0x8

On line 6912
Replace invoke-virtual {p1, v1}, Landroid/widget/ImageView;->setVisibility(I)V
With invoke-virtual {p1, v4}, Landroid/widget/ImageView;->setVisibility(I)V

On line 6916
Replace: invoke-virtual {p1, v1}, Landroid/widget/LinearLayout;->setVisibility(I)V
With: invoke-virtual {p1, v4}, Landroid/widget/LinearLayout;->setVisibility(I)V

Radio button must be on the XML files, search with notepad++ "@id/iv_radio" in all xml files
and add this: android:visibility="gone" to each child where @id/iv_radio appears

You must change all because app is adaptive to screen resolution.
I did know that there was a way to hide buttons in the Dex files, but have been so busy lately just had not had the time to mess around with figuring out what does what. However I was very excited when I figured out how to hide the any name box and then hard code your service name in thesame smali file so that no matter how many people sign in, under list users the playlist name will be your hard coded service name every time. The trick is just remembering changing set hint to set text, in the earlier days I made that mistake many times and had to go back through all the way out to change it LOL. But thank you very much for that information as I will be trying it out at least for the multi-screen button because I do not believe that will work for the radio icon as you will still need to change the width/height values to 0dp. But you never know, fingers crossed. However common sense says it should work with the radio button if you can find the right place in the files where that visibility is set which is pretty simple if you just query the ID: @id/multi-screen from the arsc.xml and search the ID in smali. Now, If everybody in these groups shared information like that, we would all be making apps faster, have fatter pockets and just be better overall as we would be creating a community of knowledge base shared freely with everyone. Some people just have the wrong attitude about it, don't think you deserve to know when they probably didn't even know themselves to begin with and was told by somebody else. It's crazy. Happy holidays!
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