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TUTORIAL Automate your Torrent Downloads with Jackett


Well-known member
Jul 9, 2021
Ever wondered if u could automate your Torrent Downloads and never miss out on a episode then this wonderful tool called Jackett is for you.

You can deploy it anywhere and even on heroku

You need to run it 24/7 so it continuously updates for you..so deployment on heroku is really useful since we dont have our localmachines on 24/7.

Deployment on heroku is easy...just once click deploy


Go to this repo and click Deploy thats it

Now I will tell you how to use it

The best part of jackett is that u can get the rss feed of shows or release groups you want

for eg. https://jackett155.herokuapp.com/ap...&t=search&cat=&q=the+flash+s07+1080p+x264+Ntb

This link i got from my jackett app only gives out rss feed for Flash 1080p x264 Ntb

Now as to how to make this kind of link its very easy

1. Click on the indexers corresponding Copy RSS Feed button and paste it into the URL field of the RSS client.
2. You can adjust the q (search string) and cat (categories) arguments accordingly. E.g. ...&cat=2030,2040&q=big+buck+bunny will search for "big buck bunny" in the Movies/SD (2030) and Movies/HD (2040) categories (See the indexer configuration for available categories).

You can customize for your own purpose just add search term after the link copied that is after q= then add each word of your filter with plus in between
in my example filter is the+flash+s07+1080p+x264+Ntb

another example is

This one gives out feed for black clover golumpa release on nyaa.si

Now once u get this kind of link u need to know how to use this kind of RSS feed
Now there are many options

You can add it directly to your torrent client RSS feed as set it to auto download

Here I have added and as you can see it will only provide me the RSS Feed for my filter i added that is black clover golumpa release

Make sure your torrent client supports RSS Feed

If you dont see anything after adding ur RSS Feed go to settings RSS there should be a option that says "Show all articles" Click that

after thats come back to RSS feed and update it it should show results

Another way is to add your RSS feed to any RSS telegram bot
like @rss2tg_bot
It will provide you with magnet or torrent file link as soon as a new show is added for the filter u added in ur rss feed
for eg i will get it as soon as new ep 152 is released by golumpa on nyaa.si

This way u never miss out on a release

You can also deploy your own bot


Go to repo and click deploy and enter your chat id and bot token

Refer this on how on how to get chat id and bot token

