DOWNLOAD NP Manager 3.0.47


Well-known member
Feb 20, 2022
NP Manager 3.0.47

It is a Manager like MT Manager and support English

What’s New:

2022-08-20 v3.0.47 version:
1: Apk signing-Added support for V3 signing of APKs (available for Android 7+);
2: Apk pseudo-encryption-Added the option of whether to encrypt the arsc resource name;
3: Added registration of NP manager as a file selector (three-party app can be called to select files);
4: Added Axml file---string constant editing function;
5: Added support for access to the Android system 13-Android/data directory;
6: Upgrade the text editor (sora-editor) to version 0.16.5;
7: Optimize the save pop-up prompt for Dex editing Plus and Arsc file editing;
8: Optimized to improve the saving speed of Dex editing Plus;
9: Optimize the way to remove signatures 1;
10: Fixed an exception on Android 13 in the first three ways of removing the signature;
11: Fixed Smali syntax highlighting exception;
12: Fixed an issue where the path provided when opening the file in other ways was not the real path;
13: Fix the rest of the known anomalies.
